Thiruvonam Bumper lottery : In an atmosphere of eager anticipation and exhilaration, the Thiruvonam Bumper lottery in Kerala has ushered in a lucky champion who walks away with a staggering ₹25 crore. The coveted winning ticket, bearing the serial number TE 230662, was reportedly vended by the renowned Bava Agency, headquartered in Kozhikode, Palayam, at Walayar in Palakkad. At the time of compiling this report, earnest endeavors were ongoing to identify the fortunate recipient of this life-altering windfall.
The steward of this grand spectacle, the State Lotteries department, embarked on a monumental undertaking this year, printing an astonishing 85 lakh tickets for the 2023 edition. Impressively, a record-breaking 75,76,096 tickets were expeditiously purchased by eager participants, marking an unprecedented achievement for the department.
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Last year witnessed the department’s decision to elevate the stakes significantly by amping up the grand jackpot prize money from ₹12 crore to a jaw-dropping ₹25 crore. Enthusiastic players eagerly procured tickets, each priced at ₹500, driven by the allure of this monumental treasure.
In a deliberate effort to heighten the lottery’s appeal, the department also undertook an overhaul of its prize structure. The second prize, a substantial ₹20 crore, was equitably divided amongst 20 fortunate winners, with each taking home a substantial ₹1 crore. Simultaneously, the third prize lavished ₹50 lakh upon each of the 20 fortunate recipients.
The origins of Kerala’s enduring lottery tradition trace back to 1967 when the state government established a dedicated department for the administration of paper lotteries. The inaugural lottery ticket, modestly priced at ₹1, proffered an initial grand prize of ₹50,000, thus laying the cornerstone for a robust and enduring legacy of lottery fervor within the region.
Kerala Bumper Lottery Results : Essential Guidelines for Winners
Winners of the Kerala Bumper Lottery are strongly urged to verify their winning numbers by comparing them to the official results published in the Kerala Government Gazette. It is imperative that they promptly submit their winning tickets within a 30-day timeframe.
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Live Kerala Lottery Results : A Weekly Lottery Schedule
The Kerala lottery schedule unfolds with the Akshaya Lottery on Sundays, the Win-Win Lottery on Mondays, the Sthree Sakthi Lottery on Tuesdays, the Fifty-Fifty Lottery on Wednesdays, the Karunya Plus Lottery on Thursdays, the Nirmal Lottery on Fridays, and the Karunya Lottery on Saturdays. It’s noteworthy that the sale of Pournami lottery tickets has been temporarily suspended by the government. In its place, a new addition, the Bhagyamithra Lottery, has been introduced within the Monthly Lottery program. Live updates for Kerala lottery results will be accessible from 3.05 pm on the ZEE NEWS ENGLISH website.
Kerala Lottery Result Updates on 20-09-2023: Claiming Your Prize Money
For participants in the Thiruvonam Bumper BR-93 Lucky Draw, it is of utmost importance to verify the draw results before their official publication in the Kerala Government Gazette. Winners must make their way to the Kerala Lottery office in Thiruvananthapuram within 30 days of the draw to claim their prize money. To ensure a smooth prize claim process, winners must carry their winning ticket along with valid identification documentation.
Live Kerala Lottery Result Updates: A Glimpse into Historical Significance
The Kerala Lottery, a prestigious national lottery game, is under the governance of the Government of Kerala through its dedicated Lotteries Department. This department is responsible for overseeing all aspects of the lottery, ensuring its legality and fairness. The Kerala Lottery holds a rich historical significance and stands as one of the oldest lotto games in the country. In its early days, a lottery ticket could be purchased for just one rupee, and the top prize was fixed at Rs. 50,000. Every day, a select few are afforded the opportunity to contend for this coveted prize money.
Kerala Lottery Results Live: Guidelines for Thiruvonam Bumper BR-93 Winners
Once again, it cannot be stressed enough that winners should diligently cross-verify their winning numbers by consulting the officially published results in the Kerala Government Gazette. It is imperative that the winning tickets are surrendered within a 30-day period to claim the prize.
Kerala State Lottery Results Live Updates: Accessing Thiruvonam Bumper BR-93 Results
To access the Thiruvonam Bumper BR-93 result, follow these straightforward steps:
Step 1: Visit the official Kerala Lottery website.
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Step 2: Select the ‘Lottery Result’ option.
Step 3: On the subsequent page, click on ‘View.’
Step 4: Finally, click the ‘Download’ button located at the top right corner of the page to obtain the PDF file containing the results.